Dear Reader, I am the first and the last
I am she who is honored and she who is mocked I am the whore and the holy woman I am the wife and the virgin I am the mother and the daughter
As the wars continue to rage locally and abroad, I imagine there's no better time to get curious about what she tells us. This ancient text is relevant for contemporary times and invites us to see the parts of ourselves in those we judge, marginalize, cast out, persecute, and worse. Will we "get it?" I hope so. We could all use a THUNDER moment. This ancient poem sustains itself for some nine pages of papyrus - sometimes commanding the scene like a goddess, other times disdained and thrown down in the dirt, she keeps challenging those around her. Still, other times, she shape-shifts into a masculine form or intentionally contradicts conventional expectations of her previous utterance. Like many other critical ancient scripts, The Thunder: Perfect Mind was discovered in rural Egypt, where the dry air inhibits the decay of ancient material. Thunder belongs to the increasingly famous Nag Hammadi collection of what appear to be mostly early Christian documents, all found in the same jar in the hills above the Nile. An early desert monastic community had likely collected the Nag Hammadi documents. Found in the mid-twentieth century and translated within several decades afterward, these documents were initially published in English in 1977 but only accessible to the general public within the last generation. Thunder was one of 52 Nag Hammadi documents. Thunder has nevertheless already distinguished itself in public consciousness and has captured the imaginations of many. It stands vigil at the beginning of award-winning novelist Toni Morrison’s works Jazz and Paradise. Umberto Eco also cited it in his novel Foucault’s Pendulum. Julie Dash’s award-winning 1991 feature film, Daughters of the Dust, opens with a long citation from Thunder. Its text also anchors a 2005 film by Jordon and Ridley Scott, whose shortened version has appeared widely as a commercial for Prada women’s fashions. I hope you enjoy this episode, and don't forget to tune in for a brand new podcast episode next Wednesday! For more information, check out our comprehensive show notes, including transcripts of each episode, links to resources mentioned, and more! XO, Monica Resources, Opportunities, & Updates
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Episode 188: A View From The Clinic with Patrice D'amato. Patrice and I go deep into the emotionally charged world of abortion. She brings humor to a complex subject and shares her personal journey, including the moral outrage that inspired her to share the intimate stories of her experiences as a nurse in an abortion clinic with women from all walks of life, every age, and every socio-economic background. Episode 187: Rewriting Eve: Rescuing Women's Stories From The Bible with Ronna J. Detrick. Join us as we explore how Biblical stories have long caused harm to women, not because of what they say, per se, but because of how they have been interpreted over the centuries. These “sacred” stories have been used to silence and oppress women through tactics of shame and blame. Episode 186: Our Pilgrimage Home with Libby Bunten and Monica Rodgers. Monica and Libby kick off a new season with a playful conversation about their UNBECOMING journeys and the transformative power of taking a pilgrimage. Monica is a tireless advocate for the full actualization of women, inspiring women everywhere that saying “YES to the MESS” is the missing link to self-love, personal liberation, and awakening. Through The Revelation Project Podcast + group and individual coaching programs, Monica guides women through their inner revolution, from trance to transcendence, revealing the toxic myths of social conditioning and self-doubt to illuminate and honor the magic and magnificence of our imperfect selves. She believes that women can take action toward realizing their true potential only when they stop proving and striving to be who everyone wants them to be. When we reveal the truth of who we are, the world orients itself around us. With the practice of self-love and compassion, we become aligned, opening the portal into our divine purpose where true prosperity dwells. There has never been a more potent time for women to reveal the truth of who we are as a catalyst for positive change as the sacred feminine returns. |
Through group coaching and individual mentoring, I guide women through their inner (r)evolution. As a transformational coach, I am passionate about sacred rites of passage, the feminine, and divesting from patriarchal programming so women can activate their innate wisdom, reconnect to vitality, and tap back into pleasure, joy, and laughter. Check out my podcast here:
A revelation is a disruption that brings a flash of insight. It clarifies something confusing or formerly misunderstood. Revelations are accessed in the feminine realm, and women are the guardians of "disruptive" energy, which always brings new life and understanding. We are in a time of great revelation, and as more UNBECOMING women rise, we will all rise and remember...the truth of who we are. Thank you so much for being part of our circle of Sisterhood today to learn about the Mother...
Are you noticing any resistance- anything telling you that you shouldn't take this time for yourself? Then we double dare you to hop on with us for the next 90 minutes and receive the magic of this work! TODAY, SUNDAY, November 5th, at 3:00 pm EST! Experience a 90-minute FREE LIVE WEBINAR to experience a taste of this work through a sample of one of our teachings with myself and Libby Bunten, the QUEEN of Self-Approval! Details Here: DATE: Sunday November 5th TIME: 3:00 PM EST ZOOM INFO:...
I had the TRIPLE WOUND. I was disconnected from myself, my own body, sexuality, and creativity. Self-esteem issues plagued me. I was disconnected and estranged from my Mother- feeling unseen, unloved, and unheard. In addition, I felt guilty about not being "best friends," let alone friends with my mother. We always seemed to be at odds. I was disconnected from the Goddess, the feminine face of the divine, and her presence within and around me. In archetypal terms, I was what is called a...