My Relationship With My Mother?

"My relationship with my mother?"

"It’s complicated.” 🫠

This statement is the telltale sign that I’m in the presence of a woman carrying a heavy burden.

The dynamics of mothers and daughters in patriarchal culture are complex- and beneath the complexity are confusion, longing, anger, fear, and more.

I know this wound well because I unconsciously struggled with it most of my life, and it's through the work of UNBECOMING that I transformed my pain and reclaimed my personal power.

β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή The Mother Wound is where my heart was broken again and again by someone who was supposed to know how to love me.

😦 The fear and longing kept me wondering if she would ever see, appreciate, and accept me for who I am.

😑 The anger indicated my unresolved pain, and my dysregulated nervous system each time I was with her would wreak havoc on my life for weeks after a "visit" with her.

As I grew older and had a family, my inner child self continued to cry out with unresolved feelings, unspoken words, unmet needs, and unfinished business that only grew louder - but I didn't know how to hear her, help her, or heal her.


πŸ‘‰hurt feelings

πŸ‘‰ punishing behavior

πŸ‘‰ disapproving looks

πŸ‘‰ backhanded compliments, childishness, or passive-aggressive behavior I never quite got over

πŸ‘‰ guilt and shame...for not having a better relationship or for being closer with a sibling or another parent.. πŸ˜–

Any of these could trigger another tsunami of memories and pain.

When would it stop?

Our Mother or primary caregiver is the root of our identity, our ability to have healthy relationships with others, and love, comfort, and recover ourselves when we are in crisis or pain.

How we live, love, lead, parent, and move in the world is rooted in our relationship, or lack thereof with our mothers or primary caregivers.

πŸ‘‰ It also impacts how safe we feel with other women. 🫀

So what if it doesn't have to be this way?

​JOIN US this π™Žπ™π™‰π˜Ώπ˜Όπ™” π™‰π™€π™«π™šπ™’π™—π™šπ™§ 5𝙩𝙝, at 3:00 PM for our second FREE Webinar!

Sample a taste of what it is like to circle in Sisterhood + learn about our upcoming 6-month virtual Coaching Circle, beginning November 7th where we deliver the teachings, tools, and practices of the embodied feminine with an optional in-person retreat in Kennebunk Maine.

Join me and my co-conspirator, Libby Bunten. Register for this free webinar now:

UNBECOMING From The Grip of The Mother Wound

And experience revelations that will transform how you relate to yourself and others, and a glimpse into what's possible.

πŸ‘‰ Understand how the MOTHER Wound gets passed from generation to generation

πŸ‘‰ Why it's at the heart of what ails our world.

πŸ‘‰ What we can do to loosen its grip to reclaim our vitality and autonomy.

πŸ‘‰ Why it’s so important to reveal its role in our lives!

This is just one of many powerful topics we will explore together throughout our 6-month coaching circle!

✨ Register NOW✨ for this powerful FREE 90-MINUTE WEBINAR on SUNDAY, November 5th at 3:00 pm EST to sample one of the many topics we explore in our upcoming Sisterhood Circle that kicks off this Tuesday, November 7th!

Join us and be amazed and inspired by other UNBECOMING women like you who are ready to untangle from good-girl programming and patriarchal patterns to co-create a new reality for who we are becoming.

I can't wait to see you there!



PS: What have you got to lose? Come join us!





Hi! I'm a Monica.

Through group coaching and individual mentoring, I guide women through their inner (r)evolution. As a transformational coach, I am passionate about sacred rites of passage, the feminine, and divesting from patriarchal programming so women can activate their innate wisdom, reconnect to vitality, and tap back into pleasure, joy, and laughter. Check out my podcast here:

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Are you noticing any resistance- anything telling you that you shouldn't take this time for yourself? Then we double dare you to hop on with us for the next 90 minutes and receive the magic of this work! TODAY, SUNDAY, November 5th, at 3:00 pm EST! Experience a 90-minute FREE LIVE WEBINAR to experience a taste of this work through a sample of one of our teachings with myself and Libby Bunten, the QUEEN of Self-Approval! Details Here: DATE: Sunday November 5th TIME: 3:00 PM EST ZOOM INFO:...