UNBECOMING Women Are Leading the Way and We Want You to Join Us

​UNBECOMING women are the revealers, disruptors, and light-makers who are healing the world by becoming ourselves instead of who everyone else wants us to be.

Instead of being compliant -pretty, pleasing and polite, we are getting honest about what's happening and how we've been living -or rather, dying.

We are choosing to be at cause in the matter of our own lives and recognizing that if not now, then when? If not us, then who?

We are saying "enough!" and instead of distraction, we are choosing devotion to our own transformation- from the inside out.

Instead of vacating ourselves, we have vowed to re-inhabit our bodies and re-member our feminine wisdom.

Instead of escaping our pain, we are choosing to lean in and listen to what it has to teach us.

Instead of hiding, we are revealing and feeling our way back to the circle of sisterhood- the ancient and forbidden center of our longing, where women once gathered to witness, celebrate and see each other in our full spectrum and range- the beautiful rainbow of feminine radiance and power.

Instead of perfection, we say "yes to the mess" and rather than holding it together as we have been taught to do, we are letting it fall apart, allowing old dreams to die, so that new dreams can be born.

So I have a question for you, Reader,

Are you UNBECOMING, too?

Enrollment is OPEN:

What will you dare to dream possible for your life?

What would be available if you came back to life and were no longer hiding your truth, denying your power, or apologizing for your presence?

If you want to find out, this is your official invitation to join us for this UNBECOMING journey. I am thrilled to report that we are already filling up.

If you would like to join us, please don't delay in booking a call with myself and my co-conspirator Libby Bunten, so we can explore if this program is the right fit and answer any questions you may have (space limited).

We begin on October 25th.

We will be creating space for the miracles that happen when women circle in sisterhood to embody the teachings, tools, and practices of sacred feminine leadership for our business and our lives, and we can't wait to welcome you!

If you want to know more about Libby Bunten and learn more about the program, listen to our podcast episode together : UNBECOMING & Healing the Sisterhood Wound.

Latest Podcast Episodes:

Episode 146: Ariella Daly- The Wild & The Sacred Beekeeping With The Sacred Feminine: How is the honey bee connected to the feminine? And how does following the bees through ancient myth support dismantling patriarchy?

Episode 145: Priya Assal - Enough is Enough :The Revolutionary Women of Iran: As we have been witnessing the protests raging across Iran after the brutal death of Mahsa Amini, we are also hearing of intensified violence against the women there. In order to more deeply understand the current climate, I reached out to my Iranian friend and sister Priya Assal and invited her to join me for an interview.

Episode 138: Libby Bunten & Monica Rodgers UNBECOMING and Healing the Sisterhood Wound: Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe it's about unbecoming everything that is not you so that you can discover, reveal, and embrace the truth of who you are."

Hi! I'm a Monica.

Through group coaching and individual mentoring, I guide women through their inner (r)evolution. As a transformational coach, I am passionate about sacred rites of passage, the feminine, and divesting from patriarchal programming so women can activate their innate wisdom, reconnect to vitality, and tap back into pleasure, joy, and laughter. Check out my podcast here: https://revelationproject.fireside.fm/

Read more from Hi! I'm a Monica.

Dear Reader, I am the first and the lastI am she who is honored and she who is mockedI am the whore and the holy womanI am the wife and the virginI am the mother and the daughter - Excerpt, THE THUNDER: PERFECT MIND In this impactful episode of the Revelation Project podcast, I welcome my beloved returning guest, Dr. Celene Lillie, who joins me for an inspiring exploration of an ancient text known as The Thunder Perfect Mind, the self-portrait of a divine feminine being who seems to urge us...

The Mother Wound

A revelation is a disruption that brings a flash of insight. It clarifies something confusing or formerly misunderstood. Revelations are accessed in the feminine realm, and women are the guardians of "disruptive" energy, which always brings new life and understanding. We are in a time of great revelation, and as more UNBECOMING women rise, we will all rise and remember...the truth of who we are. Thank you so much for being part of our circle of Sisterhood today to learn about the Mother...

The Mother Wound

Are you noticing any resistance- anything telling you that you shouldn't take this time for yourself? Then we double dare you to hop on with us for the next 90 minutes and receive the magic of this work! TODAY, SUNDAY, November 5th, at 3:00 pm EST! Experience a 90-minute FREE LIVE WEBINAR to experience a taste of this work through a sample of one of our teachings with myself and Libby Bunten, the QUEEN of Self-Approval! Details Here: DATE: Sunday November 5th TIME: 3:00 PM EST ZOOM INFO:...